Does anyone know if critical care insurance is available in Argentina?


Mar 31, 2021
I'm not talking about international policies. I'm talking about local insurance companies here in Argentina. Has anyone gotten that kind of policy or looked at them?
I'm not talking about international policies. I'm talking about local insurance companies here in Argentina. Has anyone gotten that kind of policy or looked at them?
It looks like the answer is “no” but I will give this a bump as the question is a useful one.
Well, the cheapest plans have co-payments for doctor visits. You could try to talk them into increasing these co-payments to an absurd amount in hopes of getting a discount from the insurance company. However, I don't think it makes sense.

I think 'emergency care' plans just resell public ambulance and hospitalization services that are already freely available, so they're supposed to make you feel more secure without providing any real benefits.
A separate policy for ICU is not available in Arg. However all insurance policies must comply with PMO ( mandatory coverage ) so even if you get the cheapest and with copays, hospitalization in an emergency or as a result of acute illness would be 100% covered.