Does Argentina tax its citizens who live abroad?


May 11, 2009
The Argentina passport is a good passport for traveling the world.

The U.S. and the Philippines and maybe Libya (spelling?) tax their citizens on income earned worldwide.

Does Argentina do that?

If you have an Argentina passport and you live in other countries most of the year and you earn your income from outside of Argentina such as via an internet business are you legally bound to pay taxes to the Argentine government on that income earned outside of Argentina?

Thanks, David ;)
davejohnson333 said:
The Argentina passport is a good passport for traveling the world.

The U.S. and the Philippines and maybe Libya (spelling?) tax their citizens on income earned worldwide.

Does Argentina do that?

If you have an Argentina passport and you live in other countries most of the year and you earn your income from outside of Argentina such as via an internet business are you legally bound to pay taxes to the Argentine government on that income earned outside of Argentina?

Thanks, David ;)

If you have an Argentine passport you are subject to taxation in Argentina on your worldwide income and assets, but ghost is right.

There is an 85K+ dollar exemption on earned foreign income for individual US citizens. You must reside outside the US at least 330 days of the tax year and you may be liable for full social security taxes in the US if you don't pay into a similar program abroad. Passive (rental) foreign income is subject to US taxation. Those who don't report it are committing tax fraud.
Steve is right on Argentina.
I recommend an Uruguayan citizenship which does not tax earnings abroad (including in Argentina for that matter) and allows for other benefits as well. Uruguay is the way to go in terms of Latin American citizenship for both tax and other purposes. Unlike Argentina, Uruguay is actually a non-aligned low-profile country with banking privacy guaranteed by law - maybe the last remaining unofficial haven.
You don't need a citizenship in Uruguay for that, a residence will do. You just have to make sure no other country can claim you are a resident there

There is also no need to bring legally earned cash into the country because you won't be taxed on accounts held abroad