Dog Parks in BA?


Nov 22, 2010
Does anyone know of any dog parks in BA? I'm looking for a caged area where the dogs can run free. Much like the dog parks in the US. I've had some not great experiences when I just let me dog run free in an open park. :eek:
There is a litte park at the corner of Callao and Paraguay which has isolated areas for dogs, they are not very big, but worth a look.
There's one in Barrancas de Belgrano. It's a pretty good size too.
in palermo soho there is one at Armenia y costa rica (maybe at malabia)
there is also one near the US embassy at libertador and sarmiento.

they are very small and may require a quick "check for anything weird" before you let your dog in. most people do just let heir dogs go off leash.
There are a few enclosed dog Parks in Parque Centenario, but they are always filled with doggies.......
Oh there's a fantastic dog run in the Barrancas del Belgrano park, right near Chinatown!!
The one in barrancas de belgrano is the biggest one. It's got a pretty large enclosed area. It's right across the street from the train station at the corner of Juramento and Virrey Vertiz.
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