I am no genious in finance. But I remember what happened in the late 80's/early 90's. The property market seems to be quite unaware of the peso in Argentina. Everyone talks about a "historical price" i.e. more or less the price in dollar around fluctuations happen.There is never hyperinflation in the property market. Prices might go up, but in no way at such high rates like inflation (we had some hundreds-% in the 80's). This effect is what I meant. Prices and wages increased quickly (peso-inflation...just to name it somehow) but property prices stagnated (and indirectly became "cheaper", because wages were higher).I read some time ago that even experts can't explain what happens with the argentine economy...hundreds of Phd and Master students around the world write about it every year, how problems can be solved, etc etc. Even the infamous Ministro Cavallo was highly regarded at Harvard (and got some distinctions too). We argentinians have learned that every 10 years we have a new crisis. Life goes on...(as long as we can afford asado).