Dollar: The government analyzes making the cepo more flexible for companies in the knowledge economy and freelancers


Aug 2, 2021
From La Nación, in Spanish (Translation link built in)

The crux of the article is that the government, in it's unending search for dollars, is finally accepting that there
exists a billion dollar industry of remote knowledge economy workers in Argentina, and is considering making
it possible for freelancers to access the MEP exchange rate (which is usually a couple points behind the CCL
/Western Union).

These workers wouldn't get dollars deposited in to their accounts, but instead would get the real value in pesos
for their labor, and the BCRA would get the dollars. It's a win-win IMO, and the best that can be hoped for while the
cepo still exists.

As to the exact mechanics of how it will work, if it is ultimately implemented, is yet to be seen. Assumingely it would
be similar to today for the people who have been pesifying via the official exchange rate, but they're simply get almost
double the pesos per dollar upon submitting their Factura Es.
I'm working freelance in Argentina and this would be great for me.

Right now the current rules are just pushing people to either keep the dollars outside of the country and not declare it, or do something "grijs" like opening an LLC in the US and paying themselves from the LLC.

It's a change that's badly needed for your everyday freelancer.
I'm working freelance in Argentina and this would be great for me.

Right now the current rules are just pushing people to either keep the dollars outside of the country and not declare it, or do something "grijs" like opening an LLC in the US and paying themselves from the LLC.

It's a change that's badly needed for your everyday freelancer.
It's a bandaid, but a welcomed one. The long term solution is accepting that the "official" exchange rate doesn't exist and to build monetary policy based on this.