Eduardo Galeano 1940 - 2015

Obama receiving a copy of Open Veins book from Chavez

In fact in Social Sciences they do not use it to teach, or read, or worship in any way, as it lacks its status of history book, or is not written by an historian. It is good for a lego, to learn something, to have some clue, an overview perhaps, but it lacks of a scientific value and despite they like it, does not provide social analysis. I dont know in Filosofia y Letras, where History is, but I doubt they use it or adore it too.

They teach it in social sciences in high schools here. The teacher was a "true believer" who also pushed the dynamism and near-sainthood of Juan and Evita when they studied them as well. It was the first time I was ever exposed to the noted book, when my oldest brought it home from school to read, and bitched about how boring it was and how self-pitying were many of it's premises - she is a South American who has her eyes open instead of just swallowing whole whatever she reads.

But then, both her parents and my wife and I are raising our girls to be self-sufficient, to roll with the punches and to not wallow in self pity and use others to excuse her failures.
They teach it in social sciences in high schools here. The teacher was a "true believer" who also pushed the dynamism and near-sainthood of Juan and Evita when they studied them as well. It was the first time I was ever exposed to the noted book, when my oldest brought it home from school to read, and bitched about how boring it was and how self-pitying were many of it's premises - she is a South American who has her eyes open instead of just swallowing whole whatever she reads.

But then, both her parents and my wife and I are raising our girls to be self-sufficient, to roll with the punches and to not wallow in self pity and use others to excuse her failures.

High school is another thing. As I said, if you have this ideology, it may help to give your students an overview, snapshot, glimpse, screenshot or whatever you call it.
1) I did not say it was used at UBA. I said it was worshiped, which it is.
2) The book I alluded to is NOT a critique of Vienas Abiertas, but a book about Argentina underdevelopment. A book that is part of the basic curriculum of economics at UBA. A book that references the work of Galeano all the way to the title. For the article you linked to about Galeano's work: " este libro tiene una enorme virtud: es el primer proyecto intelectual de llegada masiva que establece la penosa e insoslayable realidad latinoamericana. " No it doesn't. By Galeano's own admission, he had no clue on what he was writing about. He was wrong about many things, including the assessment of the problem, the diagnosis and the solution. So, unlike what the author (who is part of the core economics course at UBA) claims, Galeano's book establishes NOTHING about the reality in Latin America. Quite the opposite, it gives the reader a completely distorted and wrong view of the reality in Latin America. But books that reference his work, and borrow from his concepts of "Vienas Abiertas", which is the climax of self victimization and blame shifting are part of the core curriculum at UBA, despite of your claims of otherwise.

3) From the ADUBA website: "
Tu obra nos seguirá acompañando en nuestras luchas y nuestros sueños…
¡¡¡Eduardo Galeano inmortal!!!" If this is not worshiping, I don;t know what it is.
Camberiu.I am with you completely on your opinion of Galeano's "The Open Veins".However,I'd be very grateful if you could explain in an equally ellucidating manner why you believe Obama to be a fraud.Thank you in advance.
Anyone know why he wrote under the name Galeano rather than Hughes?
Camberiu. Very interesting.Although surveillance is a very controvertial subject,at times it is also very necessary.I agree that the words "unwittingly" and "inadvertently" were definitely misleading,to say the least.However,in my view,to call Obama a "total"(my words)fraud over this would be stretching it somewhat.
Ejcot: That was explained in today's Herald or La Nacion but I don't recall the reason.
Camberiu. Very interesting.Although surveillance is a very controvertial subject,at times it is also very necessary.I agree that the words "unwittingly" and "inadvertently" were definitely misleading,to say the least.However,in my view,to call Obama a "total"(my words)fraud over this would be stretching it somewhat.
Ejcot: That was explained in today's Herald or La Nacion but I don't recall the reason.

Seriously. Edward Snowden has revealed a MASSIVE unconstitutional surveillance apparatus. The we have Fast & Furious, where Eric Holden also lied to Congress. Then the IRS "lost" 30,000 incriminating emails. Then Lois Lerner, the former head of the IRS who made the 30,000 emails disappear, also sent out emails warning IRS employees not to write anything "incriminating" since their emails could be viewed by Congress. Of all the Freedom of Information Act filed by citizens to the Obama administration, only 5.2% have been accepted, one of the lowest levels since the FOIA was passed.

Yeah, the most transparent and ethical administration in the history of the United States indeed.
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