El Presidente in DC, big summit in the USA


Mar 20, 2014
Our dearly beloved El Presidente is in Washington DC, shaking hands with Biden, who probably can't remember his name.

And yesterday, Tuesday the 28th, was the initial day of the portentously named "Second Summit on Democracy", also taking place in Gomorrah-on-the-Potomac.

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English.

The article linked just above is not written in a tone of respectful admiration, to put it nicely. However, I did find the 5th paragraph to be an impressive list of foreign policy blunders by our deal old Uncle Sam -

In Argentina the bloody military coups of 1966 and 1976 were sponsored and protected by Washington. In Chile, the brutal coup on September 11, 1973, and the subsequent death in combat of Salvador Allende , were orchestrated from Washington by President Richard Nixon and his National Security Adviser, and later Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger . The 1964 coup d'état in Brazil , which lasted until 1985, was enthusiastically supported by Washington, as was its 1973 Uruguayan counterpart.which also lasted until 1985 when Washington realized that its open support for the ferocious Latin American dictatorships was damaging its international image and that the time had come to bet on democracy, but taking due precautions. Earlier, in 1965, President Lyndon Johnson had dispatched 40,000 Marines to the Dominican Republic to overthrow that country's Constitutionalist government. We must not forget that Washington prepared an armed confrontation that lasted ten years (1979-1989) against the Sandinista government and that years later used all the means at its disposal to destabilize the government of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front in El Salvador . America also supported the dictatorship of the Duvalliers, father and son in Haiti; of the Somozas in Nicaragua; Stroessner in Paraguay and Trujillo in the Dominican Republic. The list would be endless.

Bolding in the above paragraph-length quote is not mine, but that of the original author, Atilio Boron. Also, I'd note that the above list is not comprehensive - the 1983 invasion of Grenada, for example, is not included.

To be fair, many of these excesses were committed at a time when belief in monolithic communism was an unquestioned tenet of western foreign policy. Judging the actions of the past by the knowledge and understanding of today is always questionable. Still, one can perhaps see why many nations of Latin America do not view the US government with quite the positive attitude which Washington might prefer.
hahaaaaaa Pagina 12, what do you expect?

Peron and Pinochet

Peron and Stroessner

and not to mention he was budy-budy with the Generalisimo Franco himself

and when he came back he pulled the rug under the constitutionally elected Campora, and suported Lopez Rega's Triple-A carnage, etc etc

but yeah, it was the yankis all along...
Diplomacy is diplomacy, Byzantine or not. Being in a picture with someone means nothing.
Which is not to say that I disagree with you. I'm just pointing out that it's a complex issue, and things are by no means simple.

You are over-simplifying somewhat, yes, but so is the author of the article I linked above.
yes, you are right, in trying to show the other side of the issue I oversimplified things.
OTOH, I think is more than diplomacy and posture...Peron was not Il Duce, but not too far either...
Does anybody know if he speaks English???...I was looking on YouTube but couldn't find anything to show that he does.
Does anybody know if he speaks English???...I was looking on YouTube but couldn't find anything to show that he does.
This is what ChatGPT says:
"There is evidence to suggest that Alberto Fernandez, the current president of Argentina, has some level of proficiency in the English language, although it is not clear to what extent he is comfortable using it in public settings.

For example, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais in November 2019, Fernandez conducted part of the interview in English, although he switched to Spanish for the majority of the conversation. Similarly, in a virtual meeting with US President Joe Biden in March 2021, Fernandez used a translator for most of the discussion, but he did address Biden directly in English at one point, suggesting that he has at least some familiarity with the language.

It is worth noting, however, that Fernandez has not made English-language communication a priority during his presidency, and most official statements and speeches are made in Spanish."
Which one, Biden or Fernandez?
Espert has an amusing take on this, between 3.50 and 4.30.

On the other infotainment channel, Feinman and Viale (who think they are journalists but are really also standups with the same gig every night) noted that even to speak in Spanish and utter his four or five talking points in Spanish, Alberto had to read from notes. From 7:00 to 8:10.
This is what ChatGPT says:
"There is evidence to suggest that Alberto Fernandez, the current president of Argentina, has some level of proficiency in the English language, although it is not clear to what extent he is comfortable using it in public settings.

For example, in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais in November 2019, Fernandez conducted part of the interview in English, although he switched to Spanish for the majority of the conversation. Similarly, in a virtual meeting with US President Joe Biden in March 2021, Fernandez used a translator for most of the discussion, but he did address Biden directly in English at one point, suggesting that he has at least some familiarity with the language.

It is worth noting, however, that Fernandez has not made English-language communication a priority during his presidency, and most official statements and speeches are made in Spanish."
Is this a joke, your sense of humor, or is it a real inquiry to ChatGPT?