I've landed in ba 2 weeks ago to join my argentinian girlfriend.
im on the search for jobs
I graduated as a mech engineer a few years ago
so im looking for some engineering companies or best locations in ba to apply for jobs of that sort
Obviously applying for jobs here seems alot dif from back in the uk
So any pointers in companies I should apply to or places or websites
Would be greatly appreciated
( a bit about me...25 yrs male..a couple years experience...castellano - not great but improving..dont have work visa but have all my documents from uk..so trying to apply for one)
I've landed in ba 2 weeks ago to join my argentinian girlfriend.
im on the search for jobs
I graduated as a mech engineer a few years ago
so im looking for some engineering companies or best locations in ba to apply for jobs of that sort
Obviously applying for jobs here seems alot dif from back in the uk
So any pointers in companies I should apply to or places or websites
Would be greatly appreciated
( a bit about me...25 yrs male..a couple years experience...castellano - not great but improving..dont have work visa but have all my documents from uk..so trying to apply for one)