Five little monkeys...
Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
Row, row, row your boat…
Who took the cookie...
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
We are parents that are setting up an English play group for pre-school-aged (2.5-4) children from bilingual or English-speaking families. This is for children who speak English (essentially as a mother tongue), not an introductory course in English.
Children learn languages amazingly fast, but in the bilingual families or atmosphere, they need dedicated time in each language to emphasize and separate the languages. This program is tailored for a professional expert in teaching bilinguals and taught by native English speaking (US) teachers
We believe that playing is the best way to enhance their abilities and improve their mother tongue.
Come to play with us in enjoyable class and have new friends who speak English. Sing songs, paint, and listen to stories from our parents' cultures!
Tentative starting date: Saturday, May 23.
One, two or possibly three meetings per week.
Cost: AR$10-15 per meeting depending on number of children.
Location: (Initially) Close to Patio Bulrich, Libertador y Cerrito
For information further:
[email protected]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star...
Row, row, row your boat…
Who took the cookie...
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
We are parents that are setting up an English play group for pre-school-aged (2.5-4) children from bilingual or English-speaking families. This is for children who speak English (essentially as a mother tongue), not an introductory course in English.
Children learn languages amazingly fast, but in the bilingual families or atmosphere, they need dedicated time in each language to emphasize and separate the languages. This program is tailored for a professional expert in teaching bilinguals and taught by native English speaking (US) teachers
We believe that playing is the best way to enhance their abilities and improve their mother tongue.
Come to play with us in enjoyable class and have new friends who speak English. Sing songs, paint, and listen to stories from our parents' cultures!
Tentative starting date: Saturday, May 23.
One, two or possibly three meetings per week.
Cost: AR$10-15 per meeting depending on number of children.
Location: (Initially) Close to Patio Bulrich, Libertador y Cerrito
For information further:
[email protected]