steveinbsas said:
They're stupid if they aren't.
But you don't believe that the US can go bankrupt, either...
(Based on your previous posts.)
You are going to be so surprised...and hungry...when the shit hits the fan...
And the shelves are empty...
Even if you still have a credit card.
Actually Steve, I wont be.
Because I grow a fair amount of my own food- I am still eating onions, potatos, leeks, apples, pears, raspberries, blueberries, plums, and dried tomatoes from last year.
I trade labor for eggs, cheese, and milk from neighbors, and I currently probably eat 75% of my food from about a 3 mile radius.
We could easily go to 90% around here. We have local wineries and breweries, fruits, vegetables, dairies, slaughterhouses, oysters and shrimp and fish from the bay-
In terms of self sufficiency, I have no doubt that I am more self sufficient than virtually anyone here-
Of course, that is when I am at my farm in the USA- obviously, when I am in BsAs, I am just as dependent on the Argentine food chain as everyone else.
I also own enough tools, and have the skills, to build or repair almost anything.
So while I am not the least Chicken Little in my political beliefs, I am more prepared to survive the collapse of society than most.
I can easily forge tools or weapons from scrap metal over improvised fires, as I have been a blacksmith for 25 years or so.
So dont worry about me.
But really- where, exactly, is there any credible evidence that the British Pound is going to fall?
All the mainline financial and foreign exchange predictors say it will fall, at most, 5% in the next year.
If any of you really believe in this end of the world stuff, why arent you immediately selling the pound short, investing everything you own in the sure fire profits of betting against it?