English teachers needed?

$800,000 cash in a suitcase from Hugo Chavez to fund Kirchner's campaign in 07?
Millions in K-Money embezzled from the people of Argentina for personal gain?

Seems like foreign interference and 'sedition' to me. Apparently, sedition is a pre-requisite to become vice president!!

oh and don't forget the prosecutor who mysteriously died while going after the Kirchners.

yeah, a great free country! with a government so incompetent their treasury cant even print enough cash/change for its markets/stores to keep the economy functioning. Yes! Stores literally beg you for small denomination bills here -because there is a major shortage!!!

oh and did you catch Ceviche's comment? Basically I'm lucky that Argentina is not like North Korea, Turkmenistan, Iran, or Venezuela!

That is the measure of why people in Argentina should consider themselves lucky...because Argentina isn't like one of those countries.

That is the mentality here. Way to reach for the stars people.

Looks like somebody put too many sugar cubes in their Earl Grey.
and many more. I personally fear ( unlike the "bold" you) to name them here.

So, I've never done or said anything seditious against any government on earth.
But if I were, hypothetically speaking, to do so here, would I be put in a confined prison space with lots of straight, masculine Argentine men?

Oh my. Let me fan myself while I catch my breath. The thought is more...torturous...than extra lumps of sugar in my Earl Grey.
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No one has ever took any issue with me being British. Although I’ve never met an Argentine yet who doesn’t firmly believe Las Malvinas son Argentinas. There’s no point discussing it since it’s a pointless discussion that you will never win.

Those islands off the coast of Argentina (I am scared to call them either of the two well known names as it will offend someone because I didn't use the other choice!) are a sore spot. It's best to forget they exist and never discuss them unless you are forced to because those who are passionate about them, know not objectivity. And it's best not to raise another's blood pressure over something like that.
