Eternauta comic finds a new audience - and far-right haters

Jesus, they're trying to wrap opposition to Milei up into the whole western culture war thing, when in reality whether the guy is elected is based totally on the failure of the governing parties in Argentina over decades. Military government included, obviously, but also the far leftists that the Guardian is always trying to pimp to people.

I mean, this Oesterheld guy is a good artist and dictatorship is bad, but give it a rest. Also sort of a funny way of trying to do what Argentina has perfected, which is living in the past and celebrating brave but ultimately unsuccessful actions, from a time when all seemed possible. Milei, in a perverse Argentine way, captures the spirit of Oesterheld in a more pure sense than the Guardian can even understand.
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I am looking forward to this because I loved the book. But couldnt just one argentine movie NOT star Ricardo Darin?
I am lucky enough to have a very old friend who works for Fantagraphics, which is a large international publisher of graphic novels. He lets me know about new books I may be interested in, and they have been doing a series for the last few years of republishing translations of important Argentine works. They released El Eternauta for the first time in english a few years ago, and also the amazing Osterheld biography of Che Guevara, which is graphically amazing, and tells the story of Che from a different angle than either right or left. My guess is that the english translation may have helped raise awareness in the land of Netflix, whose decision makers are largely in the USA.