Everything You Love You Owe to Capitalism

Everything you love you owe to capitalism... and to those centuries of human development under fuedalism... and slave society... and being hunter gatherers...

a. you should define the attributes of capitalism that you're referring to, because to make such a grand statement... i would love to know how the wheel or irrigation have anything to do with capitalist societies. i enjoy them a lot. along with along with a million things that existed before the industrial revolution or the development of market systems... please help me out here. it seems to me that all sorts of economic structures have produced all sorts of developments and shifts in human existence. obviously that includes modern state involvement/keynesianism/mixed economy. i personally dig the fact that the big bad government intervened to build us some roads.

b. step off and keep your politics private while you read tomorrows print of clarin. there's no need to shove it onto an online community of expats in argentina homeboy.

c. as advice, give up the neoliberal/right wing deal while you're in argentina, because this country isn't going in any different direction anytime soon. if you don't dig it i would seriously advise jumping ship.

suerte amigo.
There is certainly something to be said for free enterprise. People having the freedom to build, create, and sell their creations has helped civilization advance. Monetary gain (and fame) is a huge motivator for innovation at the personal level. :) I think that's undeniable.

But communists, fascists, and socialist states can create and invent, too. ;) There's just a different motivation. Instead of working for oneself for personal fame or fortune, one works for the government for national pride, job stability, or because you have no other choice. Whether we want to admit it or not, communist Russia and Nazi Germany created some great technological advances.

Ultimately, whatever the system, it's always the individuals (or groups of individuals) that create... whether it's in the private or public sector. Personally I think individuals are more productive when they produce for themselves and success lies squarely on their shoulders, but there's all types of motivations.

One of the advantages of capitalism is that it allows the individual to choose what he or she wishes to explore... the individual assumes the risk of failure, but if they succeed in creating something we all can use, we all win. On the other hand if taxpayer money goes to failed projects (or gets lost in the system), we have little to show for it. Of course certain projects (military, space, etc) are almost impossible without state involvement since it requires a huge amount of resources and tend to be very long term projects with sensitive information.