Exchange Dollars On Weekends/which Supermarkets Do Take Them


Jan 23, 2013
An expat acquaintance just has dollars and she forgot to exchange them yesterday, are there any exchange house open on weekends? Which supermarkets do take dollars? Do you have to buy a lot of things for them to accept them? I was thinking that maybe if we didn’t find a place to exchange dollar, she could go to the supermarket and buy some food ($100 worth of products) and pay with u$s100, that way she will get Argentinian pesos to use till Monday. I don’t know how to help her, I haven’t been paid yet and am short on cash, and otherwise I would gladly lend her the money. She needs cash to move around and pay things that she can’t charge on her credit card (cabs, bus, etc).
Uhm not sure, if he where near here i would say him to pass left the 100 usd in guarante and i borrow him the pesos when he have the pesos he can come back and get his 100 usd back, but i live in recoleta i don't think it worst the hasle for him, in any case if he realy need it let me know.
The big markets in china town (the ones with "information desks") exchange dollars at the blue. The more you change the better the price.