Looking at filing taxes with Afip. US expat earning income remote from an outside country depositing into US Bank account. Anyone with similar experience that can confirm 35% of total earned income is what's due in the top tax bracket here?
Nobody can confirm this as that's not how it works.
The following is the quick and dirty of what is
legally required, but
NOT what happens in reality.
If you want further, in depth details please reach out to an Argentine accountant and/or lawyer.
You'd be breaking several laws by not following these rules, something tens of thousands of Argentines
and resident foreigners are already doing to get the real value of their dollars, but it's still a crime.
(The following assumes you are a tax resident of Argentina):
- You can earn up to $28,870.59 USD/year ($5,650,236.51 ARS) as a monotributo (Category H, the max for remote work)
- If you earn more than this, you must pay ganancias, and you are not able to remain as a monotributo. You WILL need an accountant
- In both cases, you issue a Factura E from AFIP for the export of services to the client(s) you have abroad
- You have 5 days from when the money is credited to your account in the US to transfer it here to Argentina
- The first $12,000 USD is not subject to pesification; there is a bill in congress to raise this to $30K, it has not passed yet
- Any amount in excess of $12,000 USD now, or possibly 30K in the future must be pesified at the BCRA exchange rate
Like I said, nobody does this, but in doing so they are breaking several laws. If you're going to be a tax resident of Argentina and
earn more than 12K now, or possibly 30K in the future you will need an accountant, and to make the decision as to how comfortable
you are in evading taxes, which is a crime.
I make no judgement either way, the "leaders" of Argentina and their kids (Maximo's sweetheart deal with AFIP for example) evade taxes
all the time at amounts in the millions, I'm just saying what the laws are v.s. what happens in reality.