Expats in Greater Pilar Area


Nov 17, 2016
Checking in to see if there are any expats in the Greater Pilar Area that would like to join our little meet up group. There are currently 5 of us that meet up from time to time. Anyone else like to join in? Message me if you are interested in coffee, mate, breakfasts, meriendas, wine drinking, asado eating, and general food and drink gluttony while meeting other foreigners (currently we are all English speaking).
I live in palermo. But would love to join for a Asado dinner..// please tell me how?
OK! When we have our next asado we'll open it up to you as well :) There are currently no dates set, but there will always be another one!
I’m in that area and would love to join up sometime! Something family friendly would be sooooo cool. Thanks!
My boyfriend and I are currently in the process of moving to Pilar area with 2 friends. 2 from the states, 2 from South Africa. We would like to meet other expats. We move into a house near Open Door tomorrow