Expats Lunch Wed., March 4th - Marini Gourmet


Jun 20, 2006
Our next expats Lunch will be held next Wednesday at 1pm at Marini Gourmet a excellent tenedor libre . IMHO its the best buffet restaurant in Buenos aires. It has the widest selection of dishes all freshly cooked atm . . The cost is 35 pesos plus drinks. Please confirm here of your attendance.

The details are:

Marini Gourmet
Av. Santa Fe 3666 Palermo .

The nearest cross street is Scalabrini Ortiz.Ciudad de Buenos Aires Ver mapa
Nearest subte station is Scalabrini Ortiz (line D, green line).

Principal: chivito al asador, cordero al asador, lechón, carré mechado, lomo malbec, conejo a las olivas, pato confit, pulpo, gambas, gravlack de salmóm, paella valenciana, lomo de cerdo, mejillones provenzal, boquerón de pejerrey, ostras gratén, ravioles de salmón, cazuela de cordero, sushi. Postre: tiramisú, brownies, mousse de menta y chocolate, panqueques de manzanas al ron.

Principal dishes: Barbecue goat, barbecue lamb, suckling pig, malbec rib eye, rabbit with olives, confit duck, octupus, prawns, salmon, valencian paella, pork tender loin, provencal mussels, gratin oysters, salmon ravioli, lamb stew, sushi.

Deserts: Tiramisu, Brownies, Chocolate and Mint Mousse, Rum and Apple Pancakes.

Links: guia oleo, a c zoom

Please, RSVP by either replying to this thread or by sending an email to [email protected]
Darn!! I am going to miss another get-together. I arrive in Bs.As. on March 3 and will be there 3 months. Hope some other luncheons and/or dinners are planned. :)
Please note that our lunch starts at 1pm on Wednesday the 4/3/2009 . I look forward to seeing all new expats , tourists, and old timers there.
Count me in as well. It will be nice meeting you all!
I'll be there and I'm bringing a friend as well! I already sent 2 emails to the events address, but I just wanted to be sure that our RSVP was received, since the lunch is tomorrow :D. Looking forward to meeting you all there!
i'll be joining, but i'll be a little late (around 1:30). Will that be a problem?