Fedex Parcel from Asia to BA


Mar 5, 2011

I am on a business trip in Asia.

My gf's bday is on 25th April. She is a Argentine and lives in BA

I was wanting to send her something like a "scarf" from Asia.

It is not costing too much ..but very pretty and not avbl in BA.

I just wanna surprise her.

If I just put it in Fedex, will it reach her?

Its real value may not be more than 25 us$. should I declare that or just say its a sample?

Please advise, fellows.

My main intention is that it reaches her door step on its own!


Also if she is not at home and their is no guard in the building, what do the Fedex guys do in BA?
I'm pretty sure she's going to have to go to Ezeiza airport to go pick it up, where they will probably charge her to receive it. I stopped doing Fed Ex a while ago because of this. They make it really impractical.

Edit: Maybe I should elaborate: When I am abroad, flowers/choccies always goes down extremely well. These chaps (Flora200) seem to do the job thoroughly well (previously used ordering from UK to Argentina and vice-versa).

No borders to cross so no problem there, only a problem if your missus has a pollen allergy.
BankNote said:

I am on a business trip in Asia.

My gf's bday is on 25th April. She is a Argentine and lives in BA

I was wanting to send her something like a "scarf" from Asia.

It is not costing too much ..but very pretty and not avbl in BA.

I just wanna surprise her.

If I just put it in Fedex, will it reach her?

Its real value may not be more than 25 us$. should I declare that or just say its a sample?

Please advise, fellows.

My main intention is that it reaches her door step on its own!


Also if she is not at home and their is no guard in the building, what do the Fedex guys do in BA?
If customs doesn't have a problem with it then there shouldn't be a issue. Maybe someone else knows if that would be the case.

As far as your girlfriend not being home-email her the Fedex tracking number. She can go to the Fedex site on the web and follow the package. Then she'll know when it is due to arrive. If there is a conflict, she can phone Fedex here in BA and arrange delivery when she will be home.

Good luck !
I have gotten Fedex delivery to my door. They used to have this rule that if it was under 20 dollars something, you didn't pay for it. That's changed and now the delivery guy charges you at the door. So the lower the value you declare the less your gf has to pay.

The delivery guy also informed me that it's cheaper and possible for you to pay the taxes on your side when sending the shipment. So you might want to ask Fedex about that when you ship it.

And you always have to declare the contents. Saying it's a sample or gift doesn't work in Argentina. They want a cut regardless. You can label as documents though, that and books they don't charge you for. Unless it's above a certain value.
I've received parcels from Asia (India specifically) in BA at my doorstep. It was not through Fedex but ordinary post though and parcel contained books.