Fees for foreigners at public universities?


Mar 25, 2007
Could someone update me on the status of foreigners studying at public universities in Argentina? Do they have to pay fees or is it free?
Could someone update me on the status of foreigners studying at public universities in Argentina? Do they have to pay fees or is it free?

Some Data from Public UBA. Private Univ, are paid.

“Among the undergraduate students of UBA, which is free, only 4% are foreigners.
While postgraduate enrollment, which is paid ( with a more expensive, fee for foreigners) 15% come from other countries.Jul 20, 2018

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Some Data from Public UBA. Private Univ, are paid.

“Among the undergraduate students of UBA, which is free, only 4% are foreigners.
While postgraduate enrollment, which is paid ( with a more expensive, fee for foreigners) 15% come from other countries.Jul 20, 2018

So foreign students do NOT pay in the undergraduate school? A friend who teaches at another public university says that at the friend's university foreigners pay.
So foreign students do NOT pay in the undergraduate school? A friend who teaches at another public university says that at the friend's university foreigners pay.

Above and in the link mentioned says UBA undergraduate "Grado" studies are free for foreigners.
Suggest you contact THAT friend's university and find out..?
Read the UBA instructions below

So foreign students do NOT pay in the undergraduate school? A friend who teaches at another public university says that at the friend's university foreigners pay.
Maybe that friend teaches at a private university or is talking about postgraduate degrees which may be paid in some circumstances. All public universities are totally free (at the point-of-sale... taxes pay for them) for citizens and foreigners at the undergraduate level.
To give an example, many Brazilian medical students take advantage of the fact that public universities are free and without entrance exams. This system is totally fair and equal for all (unlike brazil which has racial quotas and entrance exams).

Law of Higher Education (No 24.521)
Los estudios de grado en las instituciones de educación superior de gestión estatal son gratuitos e implican la prohibición de establecer sobre ellos cualquier tipo de gravamen, tasa, impuesto, arancel, o tarifa directos o indirectos.