Fifa Arrests


Sep 6, 2014
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So, soccer appears to be even more corrupt than it is boring:

The truly bright side of this is that there'll probably never be another "World Cup" north of Mexico (and hopefully it never gets that close).
FIFA is so corrupt I hope they and their AFA friends all get locked up! FIFA corrupt are more likely to get this than AFA!
FIFA is corrupt? Sure! But are they alone in their corruption? Who did they corrupt? Oh yes, governments everywhere. But let's forget that part, my liberal, pro-big government friends.
I honestly hate football, but something smells fishy here:

We all know that FIFA is corrupt as hell, but we are realizing now? And the US, one of the most corrupt countries in the world is going to investigate FIFA? And what I find funny is they are going to investigate only the last 20 years (leaving behind 1994 world cup, played in the US).

Could it be that all they want is to sabotage Russia's 2018 World Cup? They already express their desire to expel Russia as a host for what happened in Ukraine.

What a laugh, the US only investigate corruption when it does not serves their interests.
FIFA is corrupt? Sure! But are they alone in their corruption? Who did they corrupt? Oh yes, governments everywhere. But let's forget that part, my liberal, pro-big government friends.

Fortunately, we needn't rely on big gummint to bring the soccer scammers to their knees: http://www.justice.g...-conspiracy-and

Rather, we can rely on the incorruptible private sector to police itself.

Surprisingly, there are only three Argentines indicted in the case.