Film Student Looking For Help


Nov 25, 2012
Federico, 27, Argentina

Hi. Im new at the forum, and at this moment what I can tell is Im looking for a girl interested in playing a small but nice part in a short film (No acting background required).

We are Film students graduating next year. Between Novmeber 28 and 30 we are filming one of our last films produced by the ENERC (Film School of the National Film Board).
We had a Swedish guy and two Swedish girls for the three Swedish characters, and all the actors for the Argentine characters; but one of the girls had to leave Buenos Aires, so now we need an European woman between 18 and 25 y.o. to cover that role (Stina, a Nordic girl).
It's an easy role, with only one line of dialogue. So there are No acting skills required. The 'actress' would work one day or half a day, in a nice and quite professional environment, with Argentine and Swedish actors and amateurs acting. The filming location is in Buenos Aires. The film school is in downtown, at Salta and Moreno, one block from 9 de Julio Av.

"Mate" is a comedy about exchange students, with a love story. It will be filmed in 16mm (actual film) to HD.

If you are interested in joining the project and help us, please send a picture to [email protected]
or contact the Director of the film, Augusto Sinay, by ohone at 0351 155304500
If you have questions, write to the same address.

Javier es un jóven argentino que recibe en un programa de intercambio a Hans, un joven simpático de Suecia.
Entre mate y mate Hans conoce a los amigos de Javier, incluida Mara: de quien Javier está enamorado sin que nadie lo sepa. En este encuentro Javier ve cómo Hans y Mara se besan, por lo que reacciona con una furia desborada en su interior y decide no decir nada sobre ello y reprimir su bronca.
Javier viaja a Suecia para su parte del intercambio, todavía con el enojo en su interior. Cuando Hans y Javier se juntan a la noche con Stina y Emelie para tomar mate, Javier decide vengarse de una manera muy poco madura: besa a Emelie, quien hasta ese momento era pareja de Hans. Los jóvenes suecos reaccionan de manera sorpresivamente alegre y hasta les entusiasma la idea de intercambiar parejas, esta actitud hace que el argentino se enoje aun más y se vaya de la fiesta.
Javier vuelve solo en medio de la noche fría a la casa de Hans, donde encuentra a la Madre del sueco que lo recibe con una sonrisa que termina seduciendo a Javier (aun vengativo) a acostarse con ella.
