Financial trouble


Sep 22, 2009
Hi everyone

I've been here about a year and I have a boyfriend not from here...his original plan was to build his life here, but we met and fell in love, I being from another country as well.
The problem is that my father has decided he won't support me anymore (maybe because he knows it will require me to leave my bf) and my boyfriend is feeling too much financial pressure. I don't expect my boyfriend to pay for everything, even though he pays for a lot.
Anyway the money in my bank account is dwindling and I have to make a choice between love or money - which is being forced on me. I love him very much and I dont want to let money win. If money wins, that means I lose the man I love just to go somewhere else to make enough to support myself whether it's my own country or not.
I need to find a way to make money fast and a lot of it - I teach english and it's not bringing the money in fast enough.
Can anyone help me with my huge dilemma? I don't want to lose my boyfriend or Argentina.
I hope someone on the forum will help you somehow.

For getting more clients for english lessons, have you thought of : placing an ad in mercadolibre, printing flyers (stating that english is your first language) and placing them all over the city, etc...

You could do online translations as well, if you have a PC and an internet connection.

Good luck (Love always win)
Why don't you both head home together (assuming it someplace where you could both find real employment). I don't think teaching English in B.A. is a life plan. You've only been there a year and half so I doubt your Spanish is good enough to offer a translation service as previously was suggested. If you are out of school and over 21 your dad is right, you should be supporting yourself.
Many couples face this type of decision at some point no matter where you are. Do you focus on finding your career and making money or on staying together? I believe that if it is the right thing you'll find a way to stay together whether you both move or one moves to earn more money for a while or, even perhaps you find better ways to stay in Argentina.
My husband and I spent several years living in different countries. However, let me warn you the long distance thing is not for the faint of heart. Don't do itfor anything less than the person you really think is the "one".
Awkard situation to be in. I recommend checking Craigslist everyday. Does anybody know any TV extra, modeling agencies etc.? I hear about a lot of expats doing that type of stuff and making money.
If you are really in a money pinch you could go teach in S. Korea for a bit while you figure things out. You would be able to save. What brought you to BA? I love BA but it isn't an easy place to make money. If you are paying high rent I strongly suggest trying to find a place to live that is cheaper. I am amazed at the rents foreigners pay even when they plan to stay for a long time.
Oh yes moving should always be the first thing. I had to undertake some austerity measures myself recently, moving was the first thing I done. I halved my rent!
Try to search on internet if there is some kind of job you can do either teach English, being a secretary, search and read as much as possible sometimes ideas come to your mind and there is somenthing you can do that you never expected. A friend of mine used to teach English at home to people that already knows English but need conversation classes, you can post in La Naciòn and it is free, another idea is to have a group of people of the same level and give this conversation classes that are always very useful because we "locals" always need to go again and again over structures and tenses, or try to get in contact with companies that may need help from people working at home but start searching and try to work for people abroad to get well paid that would be perfect anyway love always win no matter if you have to go home for some months......