Financial trouble

jojoinba said:
haha you're kidding right? well considering im guyanese, i look pretty interesting... i cap out at about 5'4"myself and had a lovely time in Pilar last weekend learning about polo..i find the game quite fascinating....i even tried to hold a polo stick and ride a horse at the same time but seriously it's soooo hard!! i was afraid i'd hit the horse in the face or fall off the horse trying to hit the ball, all the meanwhile trying to ensure miss horsie didnt go in the wrong direction ( a slight jerk of the reigns to one side changes their direction)....and yeah more about me....i like to write poetry...sketch, read...studied criminology/psychology in for a financial institution...became a glider pilot when i was younger (my dream is to fly) and desiring for something more than the bank i got my TESL and came here....i love going out and experiencing argentina, museums, architecture and great future after this adventure holds more education, teaching in Asia, or the Air Force....ta-da...

Found one of her old posts... I guess you're older than we thought? Supposed we shouldn't be making presumptions...

So I guess more education, teaching in Asia, or the Air Force are no longer the plan?

I still go back to -- time to go get a job. Make some proper money, come back on your own dime. Argentina is not a place you want to be poor.
Goog detective work, syngirl.

Troll or not, Jojoinba sounds like a joke.
jojoinba said:
Hi everyone

I've been here about a year and I have a boyfriend not from here...his original plan was to build his life here, but we met and fell in love, I being from another country as well.
The problem is that my father has decided he won't support me anymore (maybe because he knows it will require me to leave my bf) and my boyfriend is feeling too much financial pressure. I don't expect my boyfriend to pay for everything, even though he pays for a lot.
Anyway the money in my bank account is dwindling and I have to make a choice between love or money - which is being forced on me. I love him very much and I dont want to let money win. If money wins, that means I lose the man I love just to go somewhere else to make enough to support myself whether it's my own country or not.
I need to find a way to make money fast and a lot of it - I teach english and it's not bringing the money in fast enough.
Can anyone help me with my huge dilemma? I don't want to lose my boyfriend or Argentina.

I think the first thing to do is to take a step back and take a deep breath. Life doesn't have to be a matter of such dramatic extremes.

You describe your situation as needing to choose from only 2 options: love or money. But there is a 3rd option: chose to take the next step in your life and become independent. Assuming you are over 18 years old, it is your life you are living. And most people over 18 don't have the luxury to living their life on daddy's dime.

If I were in your position, I'd chose the 3rd option. I'd find ways to cut back on all my expenses. Find a new place to live that costs much less. Rent is cheap in the city. You can find a place to live with roommates to cut the cost to a few hundred pesos a month. Costs for utilities would be less as well. You can opt to cook for yourself 26 days a month and be able to keep the costs low...and treat yourself 4 nights a month.

Every person in the world needs to adjust their living conditions based on what they can afford. And if you are living a lifestyle that relies on someone else's money, then you are living beyond you means.

Make some changes to your budget in the short term and keep thinking of different means to generate the type of income you ideally want. If teaching English isn't making you enough, the solution is pretty simple: find a 2nd job...there are plenty of places needing to hire full or part-time help.

My apologies if this seems harsh, certainly not my intent. But if you take responsibility for yourself, it's the 1st step towards a happy life of being financially independent.