First pregnancy

@ Damiancho
I'm not working at the moment, but when I talked to Swiss Medical they did mention that the baby would be included in the plan after it's born.

I called Halitus and they don't have their own health coverage and the hospital there your baby is born depends on which DR. treats you. They don't actually do births there because they don't have overnight rooms, only outpatients.

I think I'll go for Swiss or OSDE, they seem to be accepted almost anywhere, although the Italiano is tempting!!!!

Will give it a few more days....

Thanks!!! :)
Yes, Halitus is a clinic - not a medical provider. It's great place to go for a check-up before getting pregnant (or if you have any problems conceiving). They take OSDE and Swiss Medical.

Swiss Medical has a highly regarded maternity dept right in Cap Fed (purreydon and santa fe). I had them for years and was pleased. I just switched to OSDE because I wanted more choices in terms of doctors and hospitals.
Oh great news about Halitus!
I have the Swiss Medical insurance sales person coming to my house today so that I can sign up.
Can you recommend any GYN from Swiss Medical for a check up?
I used to have Swiss but now use Staff Medico and just changed my gynecologist Dr. Liliana Rossi. I think she might work with Swiss Medical. She's had been mentioned in this forum before and I have to say, I've known her for years outside her medical office and she's a very good person as well as an excellent doctor. I had my first papsmear with her and was surprised to see that she inserts a tiny camera and films everything so you can watch the entire process which she broadcasts on a TV that hangs from the wall. She takes the time to explain everything and really listen to your concerns and her secretary is also very pleasant and helpful. I don't know how her English is as we've always spoken Spanish together. I moved down her many, many years ago when few people spoke English and I had to learn Spanish.
Make sure your ob-gyn and hospital are in synch with your birth plan. I had my first boy at Otamendi and they whisked him away to the nursery for 2 hours after he was born and refused to let me see him although he was in perfect health. I didn't get to hold him...
My new ob-gyn (Dr. Lodeiro Martinez) has advised me to attend Trinidad de Palermo, a clinic where they will let your baby stay with you and not force drips etc unless absolutely necessary...