Free Spanish lessons for extranjeros

Don’t take it the wrong way, but if you are an expat and not a refugee or a migrant you should pay for your Spanish lessons, or go for the free Zoom-based ones. As I see it, we are here as guest and should not freeload too much on what the country and the city is offering to the people in need, but contribute to the economy whenever possible, especially in a difficult situation like this current one.
An expat is a person who lives outside their native country, usually for a limited period of time, and may or may not intend to return to their home country. On the other hand, an immigrant is a person who moves to a new country with the intention of settling there permanently.
Based on this I am an immigrant I suppose. I already do pay for 1 to 1 spanish lessons. I need a group lessons in order to talk more and maybe even meet new people :)
Hey, my first thread ever hahaha
I have heard somewhere that in some schools there are free spanish group lessons for immigrants. Mostly they are happening in evening schools for adults. I wans't able to find anything online. If you know ehre to look please share.

As an example at this school they have something like that, The problem is it is too far away from me :C
Do you want to exchange language knowledge ? I have a teach degree looking to exchange spanish for english talk (and also I can explain grammar) . I'm in Recoleta. If you are interesting please let me know and we can continue by DM.