Fuerza brutaaaa!


Jul 20, 2010
I simply cannot come up with enough good things to say about this show! It's like 1 part theatre-in-the-round, 1 part audience participation and 1 part acrobatics show all mixed together with a dance party (think Stomp! + Cirque du Soleil). For me, it was a very liberating experience because the performers and everyone around me was just having such a great time. Don't worry about limited Castellano as there really isn't any dialogue.

The only drawback is that, like so many things here, there are way too many people crammed into that space. We arrived late because of my S/O's "wardrobe malfunctions" and I swear it was like trying to get onto the Linea D at Catedral around 6pm. I was overheating but things will cool off once they turn on the fans and misters :D. Speaking of water, I was told we might get wet and I did...but only because I didn't mind getting wet. The misters are a non-issue but the...well, I won't spoil the surprise. Don't worry, you can easily avoid it. Maybe wear a waterproof-ish jacket if you want to play around.

WHERE: CENTRO CULTURAL RECOLETA (next to Cementerio de la Recoleta)
WHEN: Viernes 22:30; Sábado 19:30 y 22:00; Domingo 17:00 y 19:30 (LAST WEEKEND!)
PRICE: Varies from $60-$80ars
Tonight's show (Friday) is $80 but includes admission to the afterparty until 0:30hs with some special guest DJ.
Hint: You can buy tickets at the Centro Cultural at a boleteria kiosk near the Hard Rock Cafe. From the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Pilar side, go through the double doors out of the lobby and all the way down on the right, opposite the big mural.


I'm actually surprised that there isn't a thread in this subforum but the last mention of it was 5 months ago.
We went in May, it really is fantastic, definitely worth the money. I think part of the reason for no more mentions is because for the past 5 months it keeps saying "Ultima Semana" and then they extend and extend and extend. When we bought our tickets it was supposedly the LAST WEEKEND! as well....
I went to see it as well. Really interesting, I liked it a lot, and I remember thinking, "this would be great to just continue partying here!" but it was a Wednesday. So I think you will really enjoy that after-party. Wear shoes you don't mind getting stepped on, and check your coat at the door.
I LOVED this show! It was amazing. There are not enough good adjectives out there to describe it.
Go to the half-price ticket kiosk on the diagonal pedestrian street just NW of the Obelisk to get half-priced tickets..