My mother is Argentine and we have a large family in Buenos Aires and Cordoba. I'm going to try get dual citizenship through birthright, I've already got a self sufficient company set up in my home country, yes I've been to Argentina many times and my Spanish is terrible ATM but I usually pick it back up after a month or so in the country.
I'm still yet to really figure out the functionality of this website properly as I'm still a noob!
Well, in that case you're actually better prepared than 95% who come here asking these questions, so I shall eat some crow.
You have the right to citizenship by option, you can do it at the Argentine consulate near you or here in Argentina. Here's the details on it:
To turbo charge your Spanish, have you, your wife, and kids start using Duolingo now.
If your parents are still with us, what are their thoughts on coming back?
As for income, I'm guessing you'll finance your life here through passive income obtained abroad... that will be an interesting one you'll need to run by an accountant and tax attorney here because after a year you'd become a tax resident of Argentina and then the fun would begin. Seriously look for advice on this from a professional, none of us are in a position to substitute for that.
You'll likely find some great deals in dollars for land, and as someone else said, go for the Hilux, it's a very popular vehicle with a long waitlist of people to buy them, so lots of parts too.