General Anaesthetic Experience Here?


Aug 10, 2012
A friend of mine needs to have a minor surgery but it will require general anasthetic. She's nervous about having it done here, as she has low blood pressure, in case anything goes wrong and is wondering whether she should postpone the surgery till she returns to UK.
Has anyone had a general anaesthetic here? How was your experience with the anaethetist/hospital? Thanks in advance!
Nothing wrong with asking for advice or reassurance is there? If she thought that she wouldn't be asking at all!
I think she'd just feel more comfortable at home near her family and at the hospital she knows.
Have no first hand knowledge of general anesthetic in Argentina. Would be worried too. AR doctors would get my vote over US doctors. MY experience with the medical community in Argentina, doctors, facilities and all has been beyond anything I could hope for in the USA. Medical care in Argentina puts circles around the US medical community. Not treated as a paycheck and have $$$ signs painted on your forhead. AR doctors do give a damn and have faith in their abilities.
Welllllllll...there is a reason many people from all over the world go to the US for surgeries, esp state of the art procedures ;) That being said, I have had excellent medical care here and wouldn't hesitate to have surgery here.
I had surgery under general anesthesia here. I was a little alarmed when the anesthesiologist asks me how much I weigh since I'm on the operating table with the mask on and this is the first time anyone crime the hospital has asked me this question since I've arrived and I'm not positive of my exac t weight. Alas I didn't wake up while I had open holes in me and did when they were closed so I guess it was a success.
It's not only the state of the art equipment that makes the surgery successful. The doctor's experience makes a difference too and there are some excellent doctors here. The anesthesiologist has to be good, and you're supposed to get an ECG done before you go under. I have low blood pressure and a blood circulation problem but didn't have any problem the first time. I'm getting another operation day after tomorrow, 4 to 6 hours with general anesthesia. My phlebologist gave specific instructions to my surgeon on how to care for my blood circulation problem and how to bind my legs and feet to avoid a potential thrombosis. If I make it I'll post again and let you know how it went.
I have had two surgeries under general anesthesia. And two hospitalizations. Hands down my experiences with both the hospitals and the doctors here have been better than my experiences in the US. The private hospitals seem more lie hotels with extra sofa bed for guests and excellent food and attentive service! No worries!
All the best for a speedy recovery after your op, nlaruccia. I'm sure you'll be fine! I look forward to reading your follow-up post.

Thank you! I'm getting operated on in Clinica San Camilo, the hospital run by nuns. I'll be sure to post about my experience. My brother kept insisting I go to the States and pay for the surgery there because he was afraid the doctor would leave the instruments inside my intestine. I told him he was being very ignorant. We'll so how it goes, but I've heard very good things about Clinica San Camilo