General Anaesthetic Experience Here?

It's true that American television is filled with on ad after another promoting some new drug. You rarely see drug ads on tv in Argentina. Maybe I'm not watching the right channels.

Not entirely true--there are and drug companies are a big business here too. But in the USA it is over the top.
Internationalguy - since the mandate hasn't been rolled out yet, can you explain to me how it ruined your business? :huh: It hasn't gone into effect yet so I'm a little puzzled by your statement. So while I will make every effort to answer your questions, I'd appreciate you answering that one.

As for the rest, I'm pretty sure if you read my posts - I don't love the bill . I think it was gutted and many of the necessary things were taken out of it. Nor do I think Obama was/is the greatest president ever. The deck was stacked against him coming in b/c I think people had unrealistic expectations of what he (or any president) could do to turn the economy around, esp a relative rookie in politics and in such a divided and extremist political climate.

Secondly - the "death panels" don't exist, were never proposed to exist and never will. And do I want doctors to perform services that are against their religious beliefs? 100% absolutely if it is a medical procedure allowed by law. If a doctor doesn't want to perform a service (and I'm guessing we're talking about abortion here), s/he can go work in a religious hospital where it isn't allowed/offered. But if s/he takes the decision to work in a secular institution - then yes, I want my doctors to offer me EVERY AVAILABLE AND LEGAL MEDICAL TREATMENT. Period. No discussion. They don't have to be doctors, they don't have to work in a secular institution but once they make those choices, then they have to follow the rules.

As for the rest - do I think Obama is good for business? I don't think any president has a lot to do with any business climate. I look at the legislative bodies for that. Do I think the economy is in better shape than it was? Yes but there is a long, long way to go.

For what it's worth - I think the biggest issue affecting small businesses is taxes. Fix the tax laws so small/mid sized businesses don't bear the full tax burden (b/c I can assure you no Fortune 1000 company is paying the full corporate profit taxes).

And I am always happy to have a civil discussion based in facts. There is plenty to like/not like about this administration and what it has done. But let's talk about the realities, not just false talking points that have no basis in reality.

Thank you for your long detailed reply.

I didn't say obamacare ruined my business. I said Obama's lousy policies regarding small businesses cost me my business. And there were other things too. I was sick of selling my soul to lawyers and bankers. And there was also this part about a merger that affected my local market. But the important thing is that his ignorant view on small businesses caused it to be a lot less profitable, hence I stopped doing it. It will end up being a good thing for me, not for the people who worked for me and many other people who have lost small business jobs. Overall Obama has been the WORST president for small business.

Death panels... well, don't believe me. Only time will tell. I remember Pelosi telling congressmen on the floor not to bother reading it, to just vote. I can post a video. And about doctors and their freedoms. I was talking about doctors in religious hospitals. Go back to one of my first posts. It's really crazy.

Is the economy better? It all depends who you ask.Go to Detroit, go to Nevada, go to the deep south. I've heard all sorts of arguments, like telling me stock prices are back up, or who knows all sorts of things. There isn't a volatile crisis in which everyone is freaking out. But a lot of people still lose jobs daily. It's been a little more stable, true, but it's just the eye of the storm if you ask me. The value of the US dollar keeps plummeting, and the debt, don't get me started. People keep talking about Bush, but Obama racked up more debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8. And Bush had "his" 2 wars. Obama only had 1 and for a few months (Libya) but he won't even admit it. My main problem is that no one speaks the truth (not that anyone ever does), but people believe it blindly. Obama has done things that would have had Bush crucified (Fast and Furious, Benghazi) yet no one seems to say anything (except for Fox News, but no one takes them seriously because they actually are crazy).

I'm also happy to have a discussion with someone who will pay attention to facts and not only make ridiculous sarcastic remarks when confronted with things they can't explain.
As a pevious post indicated, attempts to repeal Obamacare are (and will continue to be) futile and "death pannels" are not going to be ceated by the legislation.

Or are they?

This sums it up:

That looks somewhat like a disaster if this is true. If president and congress put honest, good people on a board like this that aren't corrupt, it may be okay. What are the chances that would happen? Steveinbsas, you are making me nervous.
That looks somewhat like a disaster if this is true. If president and congress put honest, good people on a board like this that aren't corrupt, it may be okay. What are the chances that would happen? Steveinbsas, you are making me nervous.

What do you think the chances are of a corrupt president and congess putting "good, honest people" on the board?

If you had been reading this thread you might have become nevous four years ago:

Obamacare: Say goodbye to Grandma and the grandkids!

As I wrote in thuis thread, Obamacae isn't about poviding aforrdable healthcae.

It's about contol by a handful of power mongers over the millions of citizens of the United States.

The disaster will be apparent by the time Obama leaves office.

Then, in oder to "fix" the still "broken system" we'll get Hilliarycare.

And it will get even worse.
Very interesting that everyone has swallowed the hook on a very very clever piece of Republican repositioning. The original health care plan offered by the Obama team was totally and completely murdered, mangled rewritten by the Republicans. They turned it into truely nasty FrankenPlan , packaged it as OBAMA CARE and tossed it back on Obamas desk for signing. He foolishly bit on it out of desperation and even swallowed the Branding. Obama Care is REPUBLICARE. Blatantly pro big business.
The really rotton bottom line is we have two parties that refuse to do anything for the benifit of the general populace.
Very interesting that everyone has swallowed the hook on a very very clever piece of Republican repositioning. The original health care plan offered by the Obama team was totally and completely murdered, mangled rewritten by the Republicans. They turned it into truely nasty FrankenPlan , packaged it as OBAMA CARE and tossed it back on Obamas desk for signing. He foolishly bit on it out of desperation and even swallowed the Branding. Obama Care is REPUBLICARE. Blatantly pro big business.
The really rotton bottom line is we have two parties that refuse to do anything for the benifit of the general populace.

You got the bottom line right. And he Obama may have been cheated into signing it, but he swears by it even today. I just don't believe a word he says and it makes me so upset that he has so many blind believers just because he throws them a bone to help them with a situation he worsened. People blame Bush, but the truth is Bush left him a real mess and they've been making it much much worse. As I said before there's a lot of personal freedom attacks on this subject as well.
Oh my god its 4 pages and we're talking about Obamacare and steve has come in from the pasture, what happended to general anesthesia in Argentina?