Geo Will on PLO-Israel peace talks
Tawfik Hamid, a former member of the Islamic radical group Jamma Islamiya, is an Islamic reformer and a senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. He is probably the most scholarly re Islam of all the panelists. Note what he has to say.

Read this commentary on the symposium.
gunt86 said:
moderate islam? i'd like to see some moderate jews instead.
If you had any idea of what you were talking about I would consider a response, but the fact of the matter is that you have written enough mindless garbage to confirm beyond any doubt that you as both antisemitic and stupid, not an unusual combo.
Ahmedinejad is correct when he call the new talks complete bullsh!t that will go nowhere and are not meant to go anywhere. As for how Jews are treated in Iran:

There are 25,000 Jews in Iran, which is the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside Israel. Iranian Jews are not persecuted or abused, in fact, they are protected under the Iranian constitution. They are free to practice their religion and to vote in elections. They are not stopped and searched at checkpoints, are not brutalized by an army of occupation and are not confined in a densely populated penal colony (Gaza) where they are deprived of the basic means of subsistence. Iranian Jews live in dignity and enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is demonized by Western media. He is called anti-Semitic and a "new Hitler." But if these allegations were true, then why did the majority of Iranian Jews vote for Ahmadinejad in the recent presidential elections? Is it possible that most of what is known about Ahmadinejad is based only on rumors and propaganda?

It is a false analogy to compare the treatment of Jews in Iran with the treatment of Arabs in the west bank territories. You should compare the treatment of Jews of Iran with the treatment of Arabs in the state of Israel. It would be the same.
Of course,the Jews in Iran are not trying to blow up other Iranians as the Arabs in the west bank had been known to do with alarming regularity to the Jews.
Moreover, the current Iranian regime is hardly the epitome of an open and democratic government. It might be just a little intimidating to openly speak out against it. Witness the hundreds of demonstrators from the last Presidential election who are now serving stiff jail sentences including 10 awaiting appeals from death sentences for protesting the election. Not to mention the public hanging of homosexuals for nothing other than homosexual acts or the sentence of stoning to death for adultery. Nothing like a public execution for keeping dissent at a minimum.
You can parse Ahmadinejab's words however much you want. The bottom line is that he calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and sooner rather than later. Do you seriously dispute that?
p.s. If the talks go nowhere it will be because Hamas will never ever agree to the existence of a Jewish state. The whole area is holy waqf and no one has the right to bargain away even one inch to non-Muslims. Read the Hamas charter. Listen to its spokesmen. If that is the Arab position, what are the Israelis supposed to do? Pack up and head to the Amazon? Israel constitutes approx 1/2 % of the total land mass of the mideast, the rest of which is Arab or Islamic ruled. Are you telling me the Arabs can't find it in their peace-seeking hearts to compromise on that piece?
p.p.s. If you think that I am irrational in my condemnation of Islam, don't you think it might be elucidating to talk about the specific core tenets of that belief system. If it were shown that the system prescribes death for apostasy, do you think that would be relevant? How about death for blasphemy? Death and mutilation for premarital sex and homosexuality? Unequal treatment under the law for all women and non-Muslims? Obliteration of the separation of church and state? Or do none of these things matter?