Geronimo Rauch Porteño, Is Jean Valjean In Les Miserables

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Great success for Argentino singer playing Jean Valjean in Les Miserables , in West End theater....London

One of the greatest stories ever written.

I dragged my 13-year old daughter to see it kicking and screaming. She was crying by the middle of the second act and cheered at the end. She has since gone back to see it 5 times - dragging her friends kicking and screaming. LOL
One of the greatest stories ever written.

I dragged my 13-year old daughter to see it kicking and screaming. She was crying by the middle of the second act and cheered at the end. She has since gone back to see it 5 times - dragging her friends kicking and screaming. LOL

My daughter auditioned for the part of Cosette on Broadway when she was about 10. I was kicking and screaming when she didn't get it! (LOL!) Love that show so much I never wanted to break its magic by seeing the movie...
My daughter auditioned for the part of Cosette on Broadway when she was about 10. I was kicking and screaming when she didn't get it! (LOL!) Love that show so much I never wanted to break its magic by seeing the movie...

Jean Valjean and Cossette , the movie.

Yeah my daughter actually looked very much like that actress when she was 10! Have no idea how the movie was...
Yeah my daughter actually looked very much like that actress when she was 10! Have no idea how the movie was...
You made a wise choice. The movie becomes the MickieDs of the Brand
You made a wise choice. The movie becomes the MickieDs of the Brand

Yes, perhaps. It was better than I expected. The film provides an easy way to introduce the story to a wide audience.