Get together for newcomers!


Jan 29, 2011
Hola chicas and chicos and welcome to BA!

There's always so many fresh faces on here looking to meet others so I figured I'd spread the word about NOLA Night!

Tuesday, November 8th we're having a special night at the restaurant, The Office, in Las Cañitas. We'll be serving New Orleans food (some spicy)all night with a happy hour (2 x 1) from 6-9. If you're looking to meet some expats/make some friends it'd be a great social environment with tasty Southern food and good music.


Tuesday, November 8th 6pm- midnight
The Office, Arevalo 3031 corner of Arce in Las Cañitas
18 peso Spiked Lemonade & Hurricane Specialty Cocktais
Po'boys, Red Beans & Rice, Fried Fish, Muffalettas and more!

Also, there's a thread on the Expat Events Forum with more details about the menu and pricing if you want to check it out!

Hope some of y'all can make it! If so, ask for NOLAchef in the kitchen, I'd love to make some new friends tambien!

Gracias y nos vemos en un ratito!
I will for sure try to make this one .........Tuesday is not always good for me..I wish you had these on a Friday.... but I heard last time was great... I need some spicy food.... make plenty of food I am sure you will have another huge turnout....
Gracias amigo!

Sorry to hear Tuesdays aren't good for you however it's the only night we do them. Takeover Tuesdays at The Office have been a small success, so far. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to do Fatty Friday's.... :)
No it is all good... I know Tuesday is the day!!! but I could drink more Hurricanes on Friday:rolleyes: hahaha
Hey Pitts!

I hope to see you there, it's been too long! Feel free to invite the students from your kick ass language school in Palermo!