Getting Usd Into Argentina

Why not $10,000 exactly, which is the limit?

When I read the text in my link with your question in mind it says that you have to declare any amount equal to or above 10000 USD. So that is why.
Surely a devaluation for the ARS is around the corner? Seems like one of the biggest spreads in recent times between official (bs) and blue... Thoughts?
Thanks for all the info. I've been trying to find an "official" reference that says it is $10k per person. I am coming with my wife and 2 little kids. If we are all flying together, do you think we can bring in $20k without declaring?

20K without declaring is fine upon entering in Argentina, but is not upon exiting the US (10k is the limit since you travel together = limit applies to the group).

I'm not American though so someone from the US will likely confirm or not this point (might be wrong)
" ....Each person who physically transports, mails, or ships, or causes to be physically transported, mailed, or shipped currency or other monetary instruments in an aggregate amount exceeding $10,000 at one time from the United States to any place outside the United States or into the United States from any place outside the United States,..." Has to declare it on the form below at departure.

I take that to mean per person. It doesn't mention minors.
You can always bring up to the limit of undeclared usd. and then pay for a relative's or friend's air ticket just so they could bring you more money :)
When I first saw the title of this topic, I thought it said "Getting Us​ed to Argentina"
(exclamation point, or question)!?
Now, that would be a lively topic!
Clearly, I need some sleep...