Ground Zero Mosque


Feb 2, 2010
Obama comes out in support of the Ground Zero Mosque saying the best way to show our American values is to let it be built. Anyone up for building a giant Japanese "Cultural Center" in Pearl Harbor??? Maybe a Third Reich Statue in Auschwitz (extreme but same principal)?

BULLSHIT! This is the biggest bunch of crap I have heard from him to date. Clearly I'm not a fan, but this apologetic attitude to Islamic Extremism is sad and very dangerous.


While most all religions in the World build monuments and large buildings to recognize martyrdom or human suffering and triumph. Islam builds large monuments and Mosques to celebrate victories and defeats of their enemies.

AND (cause I'm sure it will come) the Iman is not a moderate.
Islam and sharia law is patently homophobic, misogynistic, prescribes unequal treatment under the law for non-Muslims and all women, prescribes death and mutilation for premarital sex and homosexuality, denies freedom of speech by prescribing death for blasphemy, denies freedom of conscience by prescribing death for apostasy and seeks to impose a world wide supremacist theorcracy by jihad. How tragically ironic that those opposed to such a belief system would be considered rightwing? Surely, the opposite should be true -those who argue on behalf of such a belief system should be considered rightwing.

I listened to the Jon Stewart shtick. Because it seeks to ridicule those who oppose the propagation of Islam, Stewart manifests a rightwing position not normally associated with him. Unfortunately, this conduct/attitude is all too pervasive, no doubt encouraged by media and politicians who remain ignorant of the core tenets of Islam or who, alternatively, live in a world of denial.

But perhaps more important to this forum's readers who stumble upon this thread, is the fact that the Pat Condell video linked above is so much funnier. Quite apart from what one can actually learn. If it's learning you are into, then this short commentary on Obama's recently issued GZ statement is something you'll want to read and think about. And maybe even pursue.

And if you really want to read about some relevant issues then spend a few minutes with this piece.
jaredwb said:
Maybe a Third Reich Statue in Auschwitz (extreme but same principal)?

Islam builds large monuments and Mosques to celebrate victories and defeats of their enemies.

1st. Learn English. It's a great language.
2nd. I think you're confusing a minaret with the Swords of Qādisīyah. And just in case if you're a Christian, do you really think Jesus wants to see the instrument of his torturous death clinging to all of his followers' necks?

Malcom X should rise from the dead and make you his zombitch
Philosoraptor said:
1st. Learn English. It's a great language.
2nd. I think you're confusing a minaret with the Swords of Qādisīyah. And just in case if you're a Christian, do you really think Jesus wants to see the instrument of his torturous death clinging to all of his followers' necks?

Malcom X should rise from the dead and make you his zombitch

Sorry, did I stutter? If the only thing you can comment on is my English (and again, where was the error), then go away. Much more important issues at hand.

As for your last comment...what does a cross around someones neck have to do with anything I wrote??
So what are you doing about it besides bitching on a Expat site for people living in Argentina?
mini said:
So what are you doing about it besides bitching on a Expat site for people living in Argentina?

First, I live in Argentina.

Second, not much because I live in Argentina.

But, considering I lived in NYC for 10 years, was there when 9/11 happened, and had 3 friends murdered in Tower 1, I believe I have the right to bitch about it.
jaredwb said:
As for your last comment...what does a cross around someones neck have to do with anything I wrote??

It was just a metaphor on the victor symbolism statement on your initial comments. It's OK, judging from the 5th grade level of writing and the delicious sprinkle of bigotry in it, it's normal that you missed it.

Let me sink for a little, quote the Wonkette:

LISTEN UP, HATEFUL ASSHOLES: The end is near! The Muslins have already invaded that city you call godless yet love because terrorism happened there! YOU ARE RIGHT TO BE VERY, VERY SCARED AND ANGRY ABOUT THIS! So you have to kill yourselves right now! It is the only way!
This current mosque is only four blocks away from the site of the World Trade Center. WHERE IS NEWT GINGRICH ON THIS? This section of Manhattan, like Times Square, needs to be an amusement park for hick tourists. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE COVERED IN FLAGS AND JESUS CROSSES AND PATRIOTISM ONLY. This mosque is offensive because American Muslims who worked in the World Trade Center and were victims of the 9/11 attacks probably prayed there THOSE 911 TERRISTS WAS MUSLIN!

End of quote.

But no, seriously, try to detach the proud banner of ignorance from yourself for a second, and learn the difference between a religion and a terrorist group successfully terrorizing the western hemisphere.

Also, learn that sometimes it is normal for the little chickens to come back home to roost.