Have stores stopped asking for DNI's?

- Would try the app instead of the site
- Make sure you're signing up for Mercado Libre and not Mercado Pago

I am without DNI and was able both register and purchase wares. I paid for the orders by going into Pago Fácil, which is usually also a Western Union where I could retrieve the cash to pay Pago Fácil with.
- Would try the app instead of the site
- Make sure you're signing up for Mercado Libre and not Mercado Pago

I am without DNI and was able both register and purchase wares. I paid for the orders by going into Pago Fácil, which is usually also a Western Union where I could retrieve the cash to pay Pago Fácil with.
How long ago was your last Mercado Libre purchase?
According to this thread its impossible to have an account now without a DNI.

Its a mystery to me how it works for some people and not at all for others.
> How long ago was your last Mercado Libre purchase?

Two weeks ago. Signed up two weeks prior.
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Speaking of Argentinian mysteries (please forgive me if this should be on its own thread, but I think it maybe fits). It seems that this country is puzzling on both sides of the spectrum good and bad. Last weekend I entered the local small town (Santa Rosa de Calamuchita) hospital emergency room. My first impression was that I’d time warped back to the early seventies, my Spanish sucks, and my wife who is my interpreter was out of the room, so I blundered through the introduction process, gave them my first and last name. Later when my wife came in she was speaking with one of the nurses. When she offered to provide my identification, the nurse said that they’d found me in the system!! That was a shock since I’d never entered a medical facility in Argentina before, and because I don’t like being on gov lists, generally try to keep a low profile! I don’t know how the small hospital found me but they had, even had my passport number!
I was further amazed that when it was time to leave, didn’t have to pay or sign anything!!!
To my understandingThis policy of DNI at your grocery store was implemented by CK. To monitor how much grocery purchases amounted to. The logic being, the more one buys at the grocery, the more money the buyer has, and could be eligible to be taxed more. So people started paying 2 and 3 times each time they were at the store to be under the maximum single purchase. An example of Peronism.
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