Health Plans For The Very Old


Jun 6, 2005
Are there any companies that will give health care to people in their late 80's or even 90?
Are there any companies that will give health care to people in their late 80's or even 90?
No there aren't, I think the max I have ever heard of is 75 yo. However there was a new regulation for private insurance companies that states that they cannot discriminate people due to preexisting conditions or age - I am not sure how this is being enforced, but they do charge a different price and there are certain things they will not cover, usually the price they will give you is so high that nobody will take it. Try Hospital Italiano, I know they take seniors, not sure if over 80 though.
Thanks Nikad. By the way, as I understand it, under the new law regulating health insurance companies, I understand that those who are already in a plan can not be charged special increases once they reach 65, as in the past. Their increases are the same % as everyone else. Is this correct and, if so, is it being enforced?
Thanks Nikad. By the way, as I understand it, under the new law regulating health insurance companies, I understand that those who are already in a plan can not be charged special increases once they reach 65, as in the past. Their increases are the same % as everyone else. Is this correct and, if so, is it being enforced?
yes this is correct and it is being enforced, but they must have had that insurance for a minimum of years, I believe it is 10.