Heh, Reminds me of Obama!

alpac said:
Suggesting someone is a Republican (or a Tea Party supporter) is not "calling someone a name" as that expression is commonly understood by English speaking people. Republican candidates may be falling over each other to demonstrate who is the biggest crackpot, but events have not deteriorated to the level that the word "Republican" is a "name." Yet.

Furthermore, it isn't juvenile ("What are you five") to suggest someone sounds like a member of a particular political group based on his political comment.

It was the reference to "Tea Bagger" that I was referring to and not Republican part. Either way, just because someone criticizes Obama doesn't make them a Republican. Guess that's a point that was lost on you. I might be wrong about this, being that I haven't lived in the US, but the term "Tea Bagger" relating to the Tea Partiers is one of disrespect. Whether I adhere to the tea party (whatever the hell they stand for) or not, it is still distasteful. You can't possibly think that someone using a remark like that is interested in some beautiful discussion about the state of politics!

Writing a long post and twisting facts does not take away from the fact that Joe had a knee-jerk reaction to seeing Obama painted in a negative light and that was what my reply was directed to.

An assumption from you is that I am anti-war. I never said I was anti-war. I am against US involvement in other countries' mess.

Rest of your post, well thanks for writing it, all I did was paste a link to the story and that was that. If I wanted to make a point more than what I wrote in the original post with the link, my post would contain a lot more than just a link to an article.

Secondly, my comparison between Bush and Obama was not to give credibility to the original post. It was just a reply to Joe's idiotic assumption.

You can take whatever you want from it (and the same goes for everyone else), I am not here to convert people to my point of view.

As for being able to declare war. You are probably right. I just said what I heard. I have to check my sources.

Anyway, this can go on back and forth forever.

If you're interested in how Obama is like CFK, I can add to the discussion here but other than that, I am not going to keep on stoking this fire.
Alpac, I greatly appreciate your response to nicoenarg, and I thank you. About an hour ago I submitted a short comment here re nicoenarg’s wildly inappropriate response to my post and Atlantic magazine link, but for some unknown reason it was not “accepted” for display. Nevertheless, I much prefer your response, for it explains precisely that I was only commenting on the tone of nicoenarg’s declarations concerning Obama; the link provided was simply a friendly gesture so that he could read a very interesting and concise assessment of Obama. As well, I (unfortunately) assumed that nicoenarg would understand my mildly humorous use of “Tea Bagger”; it was never meant as an insult to him personally (although his statement certainly read like a lot of Tea Party doggeral).
Again, many thanks for your perceptive comments on my posting. You have explained my intentions far better than I could have done so myself!
i'm not an american but in my opinion Obama is the best option for america just now as every single one of the Republican guys getting into office scare me.
Well, I wrote a reply to alpac and it didn't get posted. So I am going to give up here until that post is posted.
nicoenarg said:
Well, I wrote a reply to alpac and it didn't get posted. So I am going to give up here until that post is posted.

Alrighty, my post got posted.
JoeGillis said:
I (unfortunately) assumed that nicoenarg would understand my mildly humorous use of “Tea Bagger”; it was never meant as an insult to him personally (although his statement certainly read like a lot of Tea Party doggeral).

Look, there are some words that are offensive. I am not black but I don't even like it when someone uses the N word especially because it might be offensive to other people. Its the same with any other "name calling" that you might think of. If it was a joke, then it was a bad one, in my opinion.
All we need is love.
Writing brief messages in these kinds of forums can often lead to confusion, misinterpretation, and misunderstandings. I suspect that if we were all around a table sharing a beer we might be a lot closer in our thinking than what appears from above.
Nico, equating "Tea Bag" or "Tea Bagger" (re the so-called Tea Party) with the N word is an often debated subject in the US, but overall it is not considered to be in the same class as an overt racial or sexual slur. Sorry that you took this the wrong way, but my use of it was only a reference to the sound of your heated rhetoric, which did indeed mirror the rhetoric of many thousands of Tea Partiers, many of whom have actually used veiled racist slurs against Obama.
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