Hello Everyone


Mar 10, 2013
My name is Jason and I am from Atlanta, GA. I originally visited Buenos Aires in the summer of 2011 before my friend started his study abroad program there. I immediately fell in love with the city, the culture, and the food over my two week stay. However, probably like most 22 year old men visiting those weren't the only things that I fell in love with when I was there. I met a very beautiful girl the night before I came back to the States and I had an immediate connection with her. We spent the night talking and swapped phone numbers and email addresses. Before I knew it we were talking on the phone or skyping almost every single day. When I graduated college last May I knew that I had to go back to see her again so I went back for another two weeks and fell in love with the city even more. After a long time of being apart and thinking about her trying to come her, we finally decided it would be better for me to move there so she could stay close to her family. So now I am preparing to move at the beginning of April. I am very excited for a lot of obvious reasons and I can't wait to get to know the city even better as I make it my home.

However, I am still currently looking for a job there so if anyone is looking to hire or knows of any open positions then please let me know. I have a Bachelors Degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Georgia and I have been working full-time since the age of 16 so my work ethic is not a problem.

I look forward to hopefully getting to know some of you better!
Welcome to the forum! Best of luck job hunting!
Best of luck and I hope you find what you are looking for.
My advice: bring USDs and have your savings handy for start up etc & start practicing your spanish now (if you havent already), the better it is you should find it easier to find a job. Hopefully she can sort your out some cheap (free accomm). There is a few tech guys on the forum floating around, they can probably help you better with regards to your industry n job prospects.

All the best, your not the first that has moved here chasing amor and wont be the last :p
Yes, bring as much US dollars as you can and you'll understand why when you get here. You can't get dollars here unless you go to Uruguay. I know of a great place to change dollars for pesos at a muuuch better rate than you'd get at the bank and wayyy more than you'd get from the airport. PM me if you have questions and best of luck with the move dude. If you and your girl want to meet up sometime just send me a message!
You can just go to Calle Florida and get basically the blue rate. There are dozens of money changers. If its your first time, I would recommend going with someone who has done it before and not take too much money.

But thats not absolutely necessary either.
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