Help me/us with a camera battery - long shot request


Aug 6, 2010
I never formally introduced myself on this forum.

I am a researcher from way up yonder. I work on community-based action research projects in Canada, Brazil, and here.

I am currently working with two small recycling cooperatives in La Mantanza.

I am doing a project called photovoice. I have brought some donated cameras down. The cartoneros have decided to take photos of health issues and risks. We do something with the photos, afterwards, they get to keep the cameras as compensation.

Anyhow, it was fairly frantic in May (as per usual before these things) and I was not able to check all the cameras.

Now, after checking, I find that all work ... except for one Canon which I cannot charge.

So my question is, does anyone have an old Canon charger they are willing to part with, or at least let me borrow for a month?

I can offer nothing more than a hug and the thought that you are assisting in something that may slightly better someones life.

I am severely underfunded, so any sort of purchases (such as batteries) come out of my pocket (which at present only has lint and old peanut shells in it).

So, that is why I ask for free stuff!! :)

Canon Battery Pack NB-4L (3.7 V 760mAh(Li-ion)

I think I may have one of them hanging around at home as I used to have this model? I will have a look and see if you are in luck