Hey all


May 16, 2012
Hey all, My name is George from Melbourne Australia. I moved to BsAs early Feb. Been following the forums as a guest for quite some time while in AUS and here also.

Reason behind my move is that my Novia is from Argentina and the Long Distance Relationships are useless. Though, I do believe the appropriate move would of been to make a life in AUS as there is more of an opportunity, I am enjoying the experience of job hunting for 5 months and not finding anything :eek:

August 20th I am taking the Girlfriend to Cuba and wanted to see if others had been before and could recommend things to do and see that are of interest. We will be in Cayo Coco 5 days, Varadero 7 days and La habana 2 days. I would like to swim with dolphins or Scuba dive but I don't want to end up on a Travel Insurance add.

However having said that, I did repel down a waterfall in Iguazu and take a ride on a 1km long flying fox even though it didn't look to safe at the time because she called me chicken and Nobody calls me 'chicken' :)

Thanks guys
hey George -

I was unfortunate enough to visit two of the places you mention in 2005, the worst of them had to be Varadero.

We stayed in an 'all inclusive' resort (the name escapes me) the plan was also seven days.

Apart from being the only people in the resort ( if thats what you could call it) the real fun was to be had at meal times. Lunch on the first day went something along these lines -

Nice elaborate menu to look at

" ill have the lobster thermidore please"
"we have not got that"
"never mind, Ill have the spaghetti"
"we have not got that"
"oh, well ill try the grilled salmon with vegetables please"
"we have not got that"
"what exactly have you got?"
"Margerita pizza or cheese and crackers with local ham"

MMMMMMM delicious!

ordering drinks was pretty much the same ordeal, unless you wanted a Mojito or the local brew, you were going to be left wanting.

The long and short of it is, after 2 days we went back to Havana and decided we would fly to the Dominican Republic to enjoy the rest of our holiday, however, thats a new topic all on its own.

The good news is I spoke with a friend who went in 2009 and she said it was still the same, so you still have time to opt out. Maybe things have improved over the last three years - somehow iI doubt it.

It was a place I had romanticized about for several years before visiting, I can safely say that Cuba is a far more attractive holiday option in your mind than in reality.

Don't mean to p i s s on your parade, just giving you the truth

i've only gone to habana, no beaches for me so i can suggest pinar del rio in western cuba is a good tobacco country day trip from habana.. cuba is one of those unique corners of the world you won't forget it!
Bringing you to Argentina, making you repel down a waterfall, zip lining... sounds like your Argentinean girlfriend may be the endof you! ;)

My husband went to Cuba a couple years ago and loved it. He didn't really do anything too exciting though, just went to the beach in Varadero. :p He said the hotel was nice, and the beach was the best one he's ever been to. The service at his hotel was very good and he had no complaints about the food. As they say, "your results may vary."
Thanks for the replies, Well I hope my experience is nothing like yours snowwhitebum! I didn't pay for an all inclusive to be fed crackers jam and wash it down with water, I can get that in Jail. Lets hope much has changed since 2005 and 2009.

Fuccolini I do want to buy a few cigars for friends and family back home so I definitely will be visiting one of the cigar factories.

Eclair I do believe so, shes been dropping hints about wanting to jump out of a plane but that is out of the question! I will be happy to sit out on that one. I'm glad to hear your Husband had a good experience, puts my mind a little at ease. I will be taking in as much sun as possible.

Thanks for the reply guys, much appreciated