Hit by car

Biking rules, but it´s that sound of enevitability that sucks. I still shudder when I see the old man on a bike, no helmet, with a "trailer" of kids behind him being taken to school, like a motorless tuktuk... scary
Glad for you it wasn't worst (furthermore with a lateral hit where your ankles are at risks on a regular motorbike -> that's one of the few advantages of a scooter where ankles can be better protected).

It's unfortunately the price to pay for a bit of freedom, going easily to the centro, etc.

In 20 years of biking, I broke three times my wrist, one time a leg (ankle --> two screws, lol), almost no more cartilage in my knees, various bruises, destroyed two bikes & destroyed a car also (with a bike = close-call, I should have died), etc.

At least in Argentina, I am always on guard but this is the only country where I also watch out what's happening behind me.
I´m glad you came out of it intact!

I am lucky that my bike commute takes me down the Libertador bike lanes where the biggest danger is other cyclists and joggers. I´m shopping around for a big Chitty-chitty-bang-bang type horn.

Biggest gripes: Parked cars/skips in the lanes, slower cylcists chatting side by side blocking the lane, carteneros/joggers/dog walkers using the lane, and possibly myself, as I am always cycling way too fast through some parts that deserve more caution.

I actually had less problems commuting down Av. Corrientes and up Av. Cordoba everyday, at least there the key to survival is speed. Libertador can be a bit like cycling through a Disneyland park.
dude... well good that you got a "cheap" wake up call.
biking in B.A. costed me my right shoulder ligament, and I am right handed and (used to) love tennis....
Sorry to hear that Matt.
Must be the same for cyclists as rtownley said.
I was lucky...this time.
French jurist said:
In 20 years of biking, I broke three times my wrist, one time a leg (ankle --> two screws, lol), almost no more cartilage in my knees, various bruises, destroyed two bikes & destroyed a car also (with a bike = close-call, I should have died), etc.

When I was in junior high school I hit a bump, rose off my bike and landed with considerable force astride the bar that makes a boy's bike a boy's bike.

That's when I quit riding bikes...so I could become a man and stay one.:p
steveinbsas said:
When I was in junior high school I hit a bump, rose off my bike and landed with considerable force astride the bar that makes a boy's bike a boy's bike.

That's when I quit riding bikes...so I could become a man and stay one.:p

I think everyone has done that at some point in time. Painful memories