I've never bought renters insurance. I never had enough until I moved into my house and furnished it to worry about it, but I have been wondering lately if I shouldn't do something about it (particularly now that I am legally resident)
I do have car insurance, though. I was told recently (and have seen some posts on the board related to this) that unless you are a legal resident, most likely the insurance company will not make good on its claim, since you don't have quite the good legal standing as someone who is here legally. Like many things Argentine, if they feel they don't have to comply with their agreement they may be likely to not comply.
I don't know if 1) that's true in most or all car insurance cases where someone is not a legal resident (although it does seem that some have had this problem) or 2) if renter's insurance would carry over the same problems that car insurance would have if #1 is true.
But I would always wonder if I am paying premiums that were worthless...