How Do I Post Jpeg Image File?

Webresizer is good to resize the photos so that it's small enough to fit into the web. I use to upload the resized photos to the internet, than copy the link into the BAexpats forum.
Step 1: Is the JPEG on the internet?

If Yes: Go to step 3

If No: [background=rgb(249, 249, 249)]↴[/background]​

[font=Open Sans'][background=rgb(249, 249, 249)]Step 2: Upload the JPEG to the internet.[/background][/font]

[background=rgb(249, 249, 249)]Step 3: Post use the img tags to embed the JPEG[/background]​

[background=rgb(249, 249, 249)]
[IMG]URL of the JPEG here[/IMG]
Don't bother trying. It's impossible.

As impossible as Going Galt in a fortified compound, somewhere on the outskirts of a municipalidid that is not Bahia Blanca.


If you can copy and paste an image, you can post it in the forum in less than half the time it took to type this sentence.

(At least it works with images published on Mercado Libre.)

Apparently, posting jpeg images require more effort.

Since you've already figured out how to upload pics on external site.

Click on the image icon (it look like a pic with a green tree), then paste picture url into a popup dialog. So, it looks like this.


I would rather to keep everything as text/html as much as possible (with exception of diagrams).

Since you've already figured out how to upload pics on external site.

Click on the image icon (it look like a pic with a green tree), then paste picture url into a popup dialog. So, it looks like this.


I would rather to keep everything as text/html as much as possible (with exception of diagrams).

I did that one time and saw the same, .. but now it refuses to show the image.
Instead it´s just showing only an icon.

That how it looks now when I try to attach it.

And when I ¨save changes¨, even the icon disappears, and is replaced by the words ¨Posted Image¨