Are you Angry, Super Angry, Worried, whatever else about the BIG NEWS ? I think we all know what I'm talking about - Last Week + Wall Street + Washington D.C. + America's no charging limit Credit Card. As usual (Iraq War, New Orleans Hurricane, Near World Wide Financial Collapse) the clown in the White House was days late to act. Luckily he has some advisors around him with what he lacks, knowledge, to come up with a plan. What do I think of a plan that makes the US tax payer pay for all the mismanaged greed and irresponsibility of a lot of big companies? Well, it's better than a world wide melt down (which I understand we we very close to) but just shows you what massively careless idiots control the power (even some of the Super Rich are getting sodomized big time on this one).
Let's remember how all this happened. The Republican mantra that Government should stay away from all/any business over site and let them control themselves - an idiotic idea and now we see it being played out. Yet the majority of the American public are so uneducated and brain dead about political party policies that they don't understand this is the outcome of Republican party policies. Having Big Business oversee itself is kind of like letting a group of pediphiles run a Kindergarten classroom... of course a GWB White House would probably approve because studying the situation would be too much work (kind of like the August 6th, 2001 PDB about Bin Laden wanting to hit inside the USA - August is vacation time man, it can wait!!).
Yet, even though it was Republican policies that allowed this massive mess to happen and almost set the planet back to at least 1929 McCain still sits close to 50% of the vote in the November Election. I just find this unbelievable but again it points to the TOTAL ignorance of the American public. Voting for or against sex, race, religion, etc etc. instead of POLICIES is just insane. Who cares if Obama is black (or 1/2 black) but that's probably what's gonna put the out of touch senior Senator and his crazy VP in office in Nov. instead of Barack. The saddest thing is if Obama was white he would be way ahead. How ashamed America should be. I'm sure Ashamed to be an American just because it really is beyond stupid these days. How did the "Woodstock Kids" turn into brainless fools - I don't get it.....
So, who lost some money last week? I lost a few thousand getting out of Morgan Stanley (ummm, NEVER sell low but sh*t happens) but now I have a ton of stock in APPLE/MAC and CANON (for you serious Photographer's Canon has the next Generation 5D DSLR - mark II - coming out in November and it is just amazing - 21.1 MP for a camera body under $3,000 USD -
check for full details. (click on "NEWS")
The EOS 50 D is also coming out, or is out, if you use that type - not Full Frame - so my money will eventually come back with these 2 companies that KNOW what they are doing. Thanks once again to US Government (we just wouldn't recognize you without all the major f**k ups) - those of you that are permanent expats and NEVER have to set foot in the USA should count your blessings. Being around a lot of ignorant people with loaded guns and and empty heads (the best education Sesame street can offer) just isn't very pleasant - NOT AT ALL.
Still worried and still very pissed, Dudester
Let's remember how all this happened. The Republican mantra that Government should stay away from all/any business over site and let them control themselves - an idiotic idea and now we see it being played out. Yet the majority of the American public are so uneducated and brain dead about political party policies that they don't understand this is the outcome of Republican party policies. Having Big Business oversee itself is kind of like letting a group of pediphiles run a Kindergarten classroom... of course a GWB White House would probably approve because studying the situation would be too much work (kind of like the August 6th, 2001 PDB about Bin Laden wanting to hit inside the USA - August is vacation time man, it can wait!!).
Yet, even though it was Republican policies that allowed this massive mess to happen and almost set the planet back to at least 1929 McCain still sits close to 50% of the vote in the November Election. I just find this unbelievable but again it points to the TOTAL ignorance of the American public. Voting for or against sex, race, religion, etc etc. instead of POLICIES is just insane. Who cares if Obama is black (or 1/2 black) but that's probably what's gonna put the out of touch senior Senator and his crazy VP in office in Nov. instead of Barack. The saddest thing is if Obama was white he would be way ahead. How ashamed America should be. I'm sure Ashamed to be an American just because it really is beyond stupid these days. How did the "Woodstock Kids" turn into brainless fools - I don't get it.....
So, who lost some money last week? I lost a few thousand getting out of Morgan Stanley (ummm, NEVER sell low but sh*t happens) but now I have a ton of stock in APPLE/MAC and CANON (for you serious Photographer's Canon has the next Generation 5D DSLR - mark II - coming out in November and it is just amazing - 21.1 MP for a camera body under $3,000 USD -
check for full details. (click on "NEWS")
The EOS 50 D is also coming out, or is out, if you use that type - not Full Frame - so my money will eventually come back with these 2 companies that KNOW what they are doing. Thanks once again to US Government (we just wouldn't recognize you without all the major f**k ups) - those of you that are permanent expats and NEVER have to set foot in the USA should count your blessings. Being around a lot of ignorant people with loaded guns and and empty heads (the best education Sesame street can offer) just isn't very pleasant - NOT AT ALL.
Still worried and still very pissed, Dudester