How does buying a car work with financing?

Questions to ask from a Car Dealership ? What form of financing is available for?

  1. Tourists/non Mercosur
  2. Residencia Precaria
  3. Resident
  4. Permanent Resident
On the average, as I hear from buyers, they receive the car around the 10th payment ...
You are invovled with buyers in this process, or do you mean just people you know? I ask because 10th payment would be under a year and I have never met anyone who received the vehicle so soon. If you know people who do and I know people who don't, it probably shows up what a messed up finance model it is.
To receive you car earlier you can enter the Raffle , or make payments in advance to get ahead on the list of your Group of 168 buyers for delivery. It varies from Plan to plan ... offered by dealerships . The worse case would be like like 24 months who can tell?
For a full explanation watch this Toyota Plan de Ahorro, video on their 84 payment plan....! Please contact your nearest Dealership for more data.

I have spoken Over the years, 10, with 3 actual buyers that received their vehicles within a year , so , that is that
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