How Macri Removed The Currency Control In A Week

Don't feed the clapper seal...

Kristina just changed external debt for a huge and uncontrollable fiscal deficit . Both have similar efefcts on economic growth.... especailly when you ignore them

This is not accurate.

The AFIP never workerd so well in this country. You probably ment inflacion. But the fact is that it is a lot higher since Macri won. The only difference is that now there is no information about that.

The consequenses are completely different. While printing money produce inflacion, to take international loans produce external debt.

However, the debate is useless, the President now is Macri and this is his legitimate decision.
Either you don't know what a fiscal deficit is or you just ignore the facts...
Kristina just changed external debt for a huge and uncontrollable fiscal deficit . Both have similar efefcts on economic growth.... especailly when you ignore them

The effects high external and internal debts have on economic growth are vastly different...