How many of you want to leave Bs As?

GS_Dirtboy said:
Where did you get that I came up with Balvarena? Again, I don't live in Balvarena. I live in Colegiales. I never gave Balvarena as an example of a decent place to live.

MY numbers are right because they are MY numbers. I know what I pay. Or, are you still gonna argue that you know better what I pay than I do? YOUR numbers are probably very different. Congratulations.

Your right Colegiales but it just does not match to any decent place in the USA.
trennod said:
Particularly, if you wanted to include travel outside of South America on a peso salary.

Or even travel within Argentina or South America
jb5 said:
I sent my kids to private school's in CA without believing I had a choice. We did save money during the study aboard term here, which cost a fraction of what a term at an ivy league college costs.

Oh, did your kids' university charge local BA rates for the term abroad? Just curious because I have a friend at USC, who is currently doing a semester in Edinburgh. USC is charging her regular tuition, even though the school in Scotland is actually $11,000 cheaper per semester :eek:
Precisely the problem of comparing cities etc which ive a professional involvement with

you might like to consider Burgernomics!

The Economist has presented the problem of comparison - see the Big Mac index

However data from Argentina has to be treated with caution as there is some evidence (or at least assertion) that the Statistical office has been deliberately manipulating the price of Macdonalds standard burgers

Apologies if this has already been picked up anywhere else in the threads! I'm new!!
Yes, I think someone here posted the Big Mac index awhile back. But you are right, it isn't easy. Some things are relatively less expensive here in BsAs, and some things are relatively more expensive here. However, I think all fast food here is WAY overpriced! It looks like they are pricing their meals at the exchange rate, eg $42ARS for a meal / 4.3 = $9.76US, which I think is pretty close to the rate we pay in the States. Even so, you can get a decent main couse at a "real" restaurant for about the same price.

Two other examples - dry cleaning costs are outrageous, even at the exchange rate, but laundry (wash, fold & press) is very affordable.
GS_Dirtboy said:
Yes, I think someone here posted the Big Mac index awhile back. But you are right, it isn't easy. Some things are relatively less expensive here in BsAs, and some things are relatively more expensive here. However, I think all fast food here is WAY overpriced! It looks like they are pricing their meals at the exchange rate, eg $42ARS for a meal / 4.3 = $9.76US, which I think is pretty close to the rate we pay in the States. Even so, you can get a decent main couse at a "real" restaurant for about the same price.

Two other examples - dry cleaning costs are outrageous, even at the exchange rate, but laundry (wash, fold & press) is very affordable.

Fast food is overpriced compared to in first world countries, but relatively compared to other products here its pretty normal these days.
many "fast food" outlets which would be recognised in north america or europe are overpriced because it has "chache"

e.g Starbucks

choripan etc not so! personally I've always preferred local coffee but what do I know I'm British
I've been thinking of leaving for ages. Its totally over hyped here.
I find the city is lacking in:
Night life,
Open spaces
Respect for women.

Its only my girlfriend and job keeping me here. Well apart from the odd parilla.
Also compared to London BA sucks.
Where the hell do you go for a cheap day out of the city or a weekend? There nothing for miles around here.

From London you can cheaply fly to all of Europe or even take a brake in Oxford, Brighton or Bath.

I feel really trapped here.