How the Santa Fe result impacted the Juntos por el Cambio internal


Mar 20, 2014

The usual Google Translate deal, banner is in Castellano and story will initially appear in that tongue, but wait a few seconds and it will change to English. Note that the headline contains a mis-translation. The Castellano word "interno" has been translated as "internship", but it actually means "internal", referring to the rivalry between Larreta and Bullrich, both of whom desire to be the PRO's candidate for President in the national election later this year. This is another example of the fact that Google Translate works noticeably less well with the Argentine dialect than with those dialects spoken in the rest of the world. Welcome to Argentina.

This article is analyzing the impact of the results of the latest provincial erection, in which the candidate supported by Bullrich lost, and the candidate supported by Larreta won. But the point is made that the actual political opinions of the winner are not all that closely aligned with the positions which Larreta has publicly stated. So this may not actually mean much.

If you do choose to read this article, you should bear in mind that this is from Pagina12, which is staunchly Peronista/Kirchnerista, and any reasonable person would expect that to flavour their reporting on the subject at least somewhat, in the same manner that Clarin, La Nacion or any of the other mentimedia go out of their way to make Kirchneristas look bad. Welcome to Argentina, where all you can do is read the lies of the left, read the lies of the right, read the tarot, and attempt to triangulate a rough approximation of the truth.