Hygiene in the local doctor´s office?

Having lived with "private" health care in Ireland that means sharing a hospital ward room and having my 1st son in US I thought nothing could beat US Health care..wrong, with OSDE cover I have bene hospitalized in Otamendi and had my 2nd son in Hospital Suiza, private suite, team of 4 nurses, doctors, breat feeding specialists on call..and the best menu you can imagine! I even had my hair styled 2 days after the birth..ok that was extra but you get the idea. Your mail horrified me...with a good plan like Swiss Medical or Osde you will pay 300-400 a month but you will find everything is covered including complex dental like root canal. I am lucky I can afford the plan and if you can too it is worth the money.
Hospital Britanico is a private hospital. I went there because my embassy recommended it. I quickly left though when I saw what disorganized state it was in. Signed up with Hospital Aleman instead, very good but expensive.