I just remembered why I moved away from New York City

No, but you have a parade of salesmen giving you a five-minute speech on the conveniences of using a roller pen. :D
Lee said:
Perhaps not but someone puked on me on the subte here. I have seen dogs ridding it (alone)...people passed out...stinky people...seen people robbed...fights...oh and as mentioned have shit put on my lap to buy multiple times each trip.

Did you ask the dogs where they were headed?
There is no room to take out your spaghetti ... (well, maybe on Sundays?) that's why ... he he he
Oh yeah, and it really makes me laugh how people complain about crowding on the subte here. Anyone here ever lived on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and taken the #4,5 or #6 trains during rush hour down to Wall St.? Now that's crowded, no room for spaghetti eating there, but plenty of room for 1/2 gallon cups of dunkin' donuts coffee!
mobri1130 said:
Did you ask the dogs where they were headed?

Most of them work at the Dog Chow local branch, but some are freelancers.

About those who complain about having to travel in a crowded subway which by coincidence happens to be located in a crowded city: if you ever take and uncrowded subway train at rush hour, you're not in Buenos Aires, New York, or any other city with a subway system. You're either dead or in a dream. People who complain about the crowding should understand that the subway is meant to move a lot of people fast, not just a few comfortably and fast. If they don't get it, they can always become millionaires and buy their own helicopters.